The Bulletin Board

15 March 2010

What A Great Technology Era We're Living In...

Technology changed from time to time, there's no limitation for technology to change and evolve, only economy and market condition which affects the growth of it. From the vintage 1950s Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) TVs to a whopping 42" 21st century LED LCD TV. From the earliest gaming video card from the (now defunct) 3dfx VooDoo to the most powerful (only now, will be beaten by Nvidia GeForce 400 Series soon...) ATI Radeon HD 5970. What a wonderful technology, isn't it? So wonderful that a museum in Jakarta, which was Jakarta History Museum (Fatahillah Museum/Batavia Museum), was being used for an art creation using video projectors to project images to the front of the museum. There's a video...

Wonderful? No? Is it because it's too long and the camera was quite shaky? It's not my fault anyway...
(thanks for Yahoo! Indonesia this time for featuring the news at the front page and the guy who's shooting this film)


Kelvin Halim said...

salut kepada indo..
tpi tetep aj kameramennya bedon..
mana keliatan kalo berguncang"..
gue ngelatnya udh kek silinder 3 wkaakak.....

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