The Bulletin Board

16 March 2010

HAH!!! Take That BlackBerry! Now Your US Users Are Moving For Other Smartphone, Take That!!!

There's a survey that shows 40% of US BlackBerry users is willing to trade their BlackBerry for an iPhone (I told ya, BlackBerry=Business\Executive, iPhone=Personal\Teen\Family?) and even more, 32% of BlackBerry users also willing to move to Nexus One (a good choice!). But, is Nexus One and iPhone really good? Well, for me Nexus One is good, but for iPhone, it's Apple, it's pricey... How would you prove both of them is great? According to the same survey, 90% of both of the phone's users didn't want to move out. Here's the survey's facts=
  • Total Test Users= 1000 people
  • Regular Phone (not smartphone)= 44% (some of these people pushed their phone efficiencies to the max... Nice job!!)
  • iPhone= 17%
  • BlackBerry= 15% (it's OK if they're lawyers, Barack Obama, or executives, but not household mothers and teens!!!)
  • Nokia= 10% (hoping some sales growth in 2010 with new Symbian platform
  • WinMo= 4% (I thought many people used this...)
  • Android= 3% (Nexus One, Motorola Droid, etc) (Relax, it's still growing)
  • Palm= 2% (Almost the same as BlackBerry..., business phones)
So, how about Indonesia? Just wait... (Hahahahaha!!!!!)
Source: Tom's Guide
(Thanks Tom's Guide for such a wonderful news, and nice surveyors and also betraying Blackberry users)


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