Thank god, this blog is finally made on my mum's Compaq Presario M2013AP notebook, after attempting it for a few times on my Nokia 5310 Xpressmusic. Now, I and my blog was in ready status to blog and give you information about daily things that might entertain you 'digitally'. What's meant by 'digitally' entertained? It's about using digital entertainment and (maybe) you're enjoying it. Also, you might just known that your electronic devices has many useful functions by reading this blog. It's also about knowing your electronic devices maximum function. It's like my Nokia, which I bought because for its 'music player' function, but my mother sets the GPRS setting for my handphone & its working. I also just found out that it could also be used as USB Modem. But, there's 1 major drawback, it's SLOOOWWW!!! It's even slower than pricy, inefficient, (noisy?), dial-up. One factor that's affecting this was its internet provider. Some factors were also caused by the handphone itself. Well, I guess I've to end this session