The Bulletin Board

04 March 2010

Joke: Hitler Went Mad When His PS3 Was Bogged Down (Video)

Watch this funny faked video scene that's taken from the movie Downfall (German: Der Untergang) that illustrate how mad some of PS3 users that their console was bogged down and corrupted when using the PSN (PlayStation Network) which was also bogged down. Problems were said to be caused by internal clock failure in the PS3 that's made by ARM (the company which makes some of Nokia's phone processor, relax it's not going to happen to any of the phone). Anyway, enjoy the video!

(Thanks for YouTube to feature the video at the front page, and also the guy who's making this clip)

UPDATE: UPDATE: UPDATE: Another Funny Hitler Video!

Well, when I was reviewing the video performance on my blog, I found another funny video in the 'related videos' on the YouTube Player. It's perfectly dubbed, describing the curiosity from Hitler about the rumors of PS3 Slim which was already known to be there and there are even pictures of it. Check this Out!

(Thanks again for YouTube for the nice feature of 'related videos' and the man who's working on this video)


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