The video below shows a guy, which was from the website DigitalRev (never heard of it), tried to beat a useless, non-sense challenge of repainting the nicely-designed and made in black colour, Nikon D90 DSLR, into pink. The challenge was a ruined one as the D90 seemed to ended up becoming a magenta colored DSLR brick. Then they contacted Nikon Support Center, telling some lies to cover up the problem. This was truly a waste as the Nikon D90 was a gooood DSLR, only a bit old. Just watch the video! (I'm really feeling bad with this, especially the D90)
Seen the video? Is there's a lot mistakes in the repainting job. Well, I found some, and here's ways to avoid it:
- Never wear thick gloves or anything in your hand when handling or repairing fragile things.
- Never do something that needs concentration on desk which has things on top of it (That Apple desktop in the video including the keyboard was in a high risk of damage, it's Apple man!)
- Never 'force' open things without knowledge or experience of repairing current device.
- Never break any useful things, except there are two of it (almost all things are useful for the future (becoming antique and vintage things))
- Never do custom painting on devices except all fragile electronic parts are being dissected.
- Drawing sketch of the device first for the screw seems to be a waste of time as all screws looked the same kind (but beware if the screw was different, even a millimeter in length, could cause some fatal cracks on screw-holes if forced to screw in)
- Never use "fancy" tapes as they tend to have bad quality adhesive material (it sticks, but it doesn't completely removed if the plastic was removed)
- Never repair or force open things when you've no responsibility for it.
- Never repair yourself or force open things if the current device was expensive for yourself
- If you find it, comment below!
Well, it's almost ten faults done by this UK English-speaking asian guy while repainting this wasted D90. So, NEVER TRY THIS AT ANY DEVICES!!! (except for some reasons)
I've found another one..
11. never do such an idiot thing (especially electronic devices) wihout thinking twice or trices..
12. jgn keluar RSJ tanpa seijin dokter atau sogok si dokter biar lu b isa bebas dri RSJ..
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